Pure Yellow Finale
This post was a long time coming. Time to officially put PYC, in an Internet way, to bed.
My old collaboration-cum-band that I formed with my friend Kathy, Pure Yellow Colour, unofficially broke up many years ago. There was no specific day or event that marked it, but at some point during the work on our first and only album we kind of stopped practicing together, let alone making new music. The whole thing just sort of drifted into the night.
Our website’s domain this whole time has been at http://pureyellow.net. I had thoughts of changing it from its primordial current status as a jumble of errant PHP files into a modern Ruby on Rails system, but that fell through as my desire to do personal web development diminished over the years. Whether I’ll actually ever finish a Rails site to completion is up in the air for now, but my programming mojo is starting to resurface. However, this site is probably better left as-is, sealed for posterity.
The domain finally expired recently, so that link above goes nowhere. The site will live on in archival form at http://pyc.nebyoolae.com, and it still features some useful information about where we played live, lyrics to our songs, and even some demos (and full shows!). If you never checked it out, I suggest now is as good a time as any.