Michael Chadwick
Michael Chadwick
code, audio, life

My name is Michael.

My name is Michael.

I'm a coder and musician.

Hello, Hola, Oi, Hej, Aloha, Bonjour, Hallo, やあ, and !

My name is Michael Chadwick, a.k.a. Nebyoolae, I live in California, and I'm both a software developer and audio guy. I like to tinker with code, and I also like to make patterned, and sometimes unpatterned, air movements, often in a room. We all need help sometimes, and I'm no exception.

Occasionally, these interests intersect and I make stuff that incorporate both.

Use Spotify and wanna rock? Or perhaps groove? Or just try all of it?

Feel free to reach out on Mastodon, Github, or Bandcamp.

Various Bits of Tid About Myself

If you enjoy writings on code, music, and the analysis of said code or musicks made, then you're at the right place!

I chose my online moniker many years ago and it’s what I use to identify myself almost everywhere on the Internet. “Doing stuff on the computer” has been a hobby since I played Oregon Trail and learned about HyperCard back in junior high. Making music and building websites came around the mid-1990s.

Besides making just my own music (sketches and ideas are here, too), I’ve also dabbled in projects with others. The most notable one is Pure Yellow Colour. My friend Kat (who rocks, by the way) and I joined forces and made a pretty cool acoustic rock duo. We put out an album, played a bunch of open-mics, played a few long-form shows, and generally made each other better musicians (maybe).

I’ve also jammed several times with my friend Russ, as well as some others. He plays drums and I play guitar and we let that…occur for several hours every so often. We play in his Man Cave. In the last few years, more people have joined us and we formed Fly Like Venus, which still rocks out from time to time.

I tend to get lost in making web or music projects, and when that current obsession is done, I’ll usually chase it by getting engrossed in playing some video game until I either finish it or think of another web or music project to do (see the vicious cycle there?).

My personage made up 1/3 of The Escort Mission and its triumphant podcast. It is now defunct, but all the episodes are online to listen to for free. The same three dudes reconvened years later to make Quibblings, which is also now defunct, but the content is there for the listening. I'm currently broadcasting with my friend Matt on the Hacking the Grepson podcast, a tale of two career programmers musing about their professions in a hopefully helpful way.

My wife has blogged, baked, drawn, and photographed, all the while being a general computer expert.

Lists of Links are Fun!
Indie Blog

I'm a random indie blog. Would you like to see another? DO EET


The awesome background SVG is called "liquid cheese": Free SVG Backgrounds and Patterns by SVGBackgrounds.com