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Work History Scripps Institution of Oceanography
May 2016 – Present
La Jolla, CA
  • Work with web team to create, administer, and develop for custom web applications UC San Diego Health System
Jul 2009 – May 2016
San Diego, CA
Programmer/Analyst (Web Services)
May 2011 – May 2016
  • Work with team to create, administer and develop for custom Sharepoint web applications
    • Administer and support 60+ public Sharepoint 2007, 10+ public Sharepoint 2010, and a handful of Classic ASP and other miscellaneous web applications
    • Administer and support large internal Sharepoint 2010 web application used by thousands of employees
    • Create and maintain several custom Sharepoint web parts using C# in Visual Studio
    • Provide tech support for 30+ web/db/index Windows 2003/2008 servers
    • Provide tech support for 5000+ user workstations
    • Assist with new employee hiring and training
    • Co-run Sharepoint superuser training classes
Programmer/Analyst (Facilities and Hospitality Services via UCSD Temp Services)
Jul 2010 – May 2011
  • Responsible for front-end design and back-end programming for internal facilities website
    • Created website using Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0
    • Added web/server controls customized using C#
    • Created front-end interface in XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2.1, as well as client-side interaction using various jQuery plugins and custom scripts
  • Responsible for front-end design for catering website
    • Modified website using ASP.NET
    • Customized front-end interface in XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2.1, as well as client-side interaction using various jQuery plugins and custom scripts
Programmer/Analyst (Information and Telecommunications Services via UCSD Temp Services)
Jul 2009 – Jul 2010
  • Responsible for front-end design and back-end programming for internal telecommunications website
    • Created website using Visual Studio 2008
    • Added web/server controls customized using C#, including web form with file upload
    • Created front-end interface in XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2.1, as well as client-side interaction using various jQuery plugins and custom scripts
  • Responsible for front-end design and back-end programming mockup of web paging system
    • Created web application using Visual Studio 2008
    • Created front-end interface in XHTML 1.1 and CSS 2.1, as well as client-side interaction using various jQuery plugins and custom scripts
  • Responsible for SharePoint mockup of internal telecommunications website
  • Customization of web-based database system (XHTML, CSS, Javascript, Classic ASP)
Nov 14, 2005 – Jul 24, 2009
San Diego, CA
Systems Technician
  • Perform skilled repair and maintenance of all technology-related equipment
  • Maintain several Windows- and Unix-based servers in-house and at datacenter
  • Provide technical support to users on equipment setup/operation/troubleshooting
  • Purchase and setup hardware/software when needed
  • Manage RAID and tape backups
  • Create marketing/sales materials for both print and web
  • Created/maintained Windows 2003 Active Directory domain
  • Implemented RSA SecureID on LAN, workstations; hard drive-level encryption on laptops
  • Web development/design for multiple projects
Snapp & Associates Insurance Services, Inc.
Apr 26, 2004 – Nov 11, 2005
San Diego, CA
Assistant to the IT Director
  • Performed skilled repair and maintenance of all technology-related equipment
  • Provided technical support to users on equipment setup/operation/troubleshooting
  • Monitored, administered ~30-user LAN, satellite office with multiple remote users
Jan 2003 – Apr 26, 2004
San Diego, CA
Production Assistant
  • Worked with producers to create effective management solutions for leads and sales
  • Administered Commence RM relational database
  • Created website, brochures, and other marketing materials
Andrew Dickson Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Office of Dr. Andrew Dickson
May 2002 – May 2003
San Diego, CA
Web Production Assistant
  • Created new website from scratch: (expired)
  • Developed and administered FileMaker Pro database-driven website
  • Administered Macintosh OS 9 workstation and set up OS X server
UCSD Alumni Association University of California, San Diego
Dept. of Alumni Relations
Jan 2000 – Aug 2002
San Diego, CA
  • Maintained and created new material for website:
  • Developed print and web-based informational materials
  • Collaborated with co-workers on projects and website maintenance
Act-1 Temp Agency
Aug 1999 – Sep 1999
Thousand Oaks, CA
  • Administered advertising effectiveness survey to real estate representatives
Peter Komasa
Sentra Securities
Mar 1999 – Jul 1999
Bonita, CA
  • Basic computer skills training
  • Created website: (expired)
Computer Smart
Summer 1998
Ramona, CA
Production Assistant
  • Assembled Windows-based personal computers from individual parts
University of California, San Diego
Sep 1999 – Jun 2003
San Diego, CA
Degree: BA in Interdisciplinary Computing in the Arts (ICAM – Emphasis in Music and Music Technology)
  • The ICAM program aims to create the next generation of artists in a world of increasing connectivity in art, music and technology.
  • Cognitive Science minor - Study of the brain, behavior, and computation, fitting in with the ICAM program by rounding out artistic and technological merits with a basis in scientific study and research.
Technical Skills
  • Backup/Recovery Systems
  • DocAve
  • HP Ultrium LTO
  • Symantec BackupExec
  • Database Management Systems
  • Commence Relation Manager
  • FileMaker Pro
  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • SugarCRM
  • TAM (The Agency Manager)
  • Email Server Systems
  • Ipswitch Imail
  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Zimbra Collaboration Suite
  • Image Design
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • Adobe AfterEffects
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Pagemaker
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Paint.NET
  • Networking Concepts/Tools
  • DNS
  • FTP
  • HTTP
  • RDP
  • SMTP
  • SSH
  • SSL
  • TCP/IP
  • Telnet
  • VNC
  • VPN
  • VPS
  • Networking Hardware
  • Ethernet cabling
  • Firewalls (SonicWALL)
  • Hubs
  • Intrusion Detection Systems (Cisco)
  • Load Balancers (Alteon, Cisco)
  • NICs
  • Routers (Cisco, D-Link, Linksys)
  • Switches (Cisco, Linksys)
  • Networking Software
  • Apache
  • BIND
  • CPanel
  • Microsoft Active Directory/IIS
  • phpMyAdmin
  • Putty
  • SecureCRT
  • Office Software
  • Access
  • Excel
  • Infopath
  • Outlook
  • PowerPoint
  • Publisher
  • SharePoint
  • Visio
  • Word
  • Operating Systems
  • DOS
  • Linux (Red Hat, Ubuntu)
  • Mac OS 9 and X
  • Unix (FreeBSD)
  • Windows: 3.1, 95, 98, NT 4.0, 2k/2k3, XP, Vista, 7, 8
  • Security Applications
  • RSA SecurID for Windows (client/server software and key fobs)
  • Software Development
  • ASP.NET (C#)
  • Bash shell scripting
  • (X)HTML (CSS)
  • JavaScript (Angular, jQuery)
  • Objective-C (Cocoa)
  • PHP (CakePHP, Drupal, WP)
  • Powershell
  • Ruby (on Rails)
  • Swift
  • Version Control Systems
  • Git
  • Mercurial
  • SVN
  • Team Foundation Server
  • Visual Sourcesafe