The Waviest of Tubular Men

Through no particular effort of my own beyond recording and titling a song, recording a video for it, and putting it onto the Internet, I now have an entry on YouTube that (as of today) totals 4.5K views. For my channel, that is bonkers.
Back in October of 2024, I released a bunch of silly songs under the moniker “Just a Goof”. One of those songs was a ditty called “Wavy Tube Man”.
It was, and still is, an ode to the majesty of the waving, air-filled tube creature that is often adorning shops, trying to get your attention by moving to and fro; trapped, but also given life, by their oxygenated internal system.
For me, it’s just a fun song that exults this fun-loving commercial mascot, but to YouTube, due to whatever governing forces it employs, it was destined to become a minor hit, its view count now at 4500+. It’s been up for a few months. My next most popular video has…~170 views and was posted over 14 years ago. So, this is not the yoozsh for me.
What about Wavy Tube Man has so captivated audiences? Is it simply the title? Is it the song itself? Is it the Jiffy Lube mascot, bouncing around to the audio? I don’t know and will probably never know.
But it’s kinda cool :D