Favorite Albums Listened to in 2016

Note: these albums didn’t necessarily come out in 2016, but I listened to them A LOT in 2016 (I’m behind on a few things)
Songs For Broadcast: part II by Breakmaster Cylinder
- Learned about this artist via the Reply All podcast (BC did their theme). Good mix of stuff that just kind of rules.
Pulse by Sithu Aye
- When I need an indie Joe Satriani fix.
Trilogy by Carpenter Brut
- Hotline Miami 2 brought me the intense synthwave stylings of Mr. Brut, and I am all the better for it. This album is his entire Bandcamp output so far.
Retro-Active Pt. 1 and Retro-Active Pt. 2 by Keiji Yamagishi
- It took me far too long to finally check out these albums by the composer of the original Ninja Gaiden soundtracks. Great electronica.
Island Universe by Syntax
- I forget where I found this originally, but it’s some really sweet, chilled-out, 80s synthwave. Transportive and relaxing in a unique way.
Lunaria by Daminal Cannon
- Chiptune and badass instrumental guitar rock come together in a tight, blissful package.
BlastPortable by temp sound solutions and alex mauer
- A random blog post linked me to one song on this album, and I immediately fell in love with both it, and the rest of the album. I’d seen temp sound solutions on other random Bandcamp releases, but somehow never got into them, despite their dozens of releases. This may be the start of a new collection, though. Also, I specifically thank logear level 4-2 on infinite repeat one evening while I hacked away at a game project: its punishing loop of minor key tension really did the trick for some reason.
Interventions by Horse Lords
- This band is one of the most surprising discoveries I’ve made in a while, due to their unique sound. As producers of an amalgamation they describe as “West African rhythms collide with just intonation guitars, art-fire saxophone, minimalist grooves, and collaged zapdowns”, I will just say it’s unlike anything else in my catalogue.