Checking Back In

The last time I updated this site, which has gone from a dump of my old LiveJournal, to a fairly recurring life blog, to a mainly defunct music blog, I had just recently become a father. In the following, oh, year and a half, I’ve been a little preoccupied with doing that thing.
However, I’ve found time, carved into the recesses of the night, to finish a couple more albums of music.
Quibblings OST
The second podcast I’ve been apart of, Quibblings, finished up its inaugural (and final) season a while back, but all the music I made for it is now in a handy Bandcamp album.
Northwest Passage
My family and another family went on a Disney cruise together back in late August/early September 2015, and during the downtime I really explored the space (of the iPad version of Garageband). Of course, it wasn’t my first time using the app, but it was the most thorough. A mix of samples and synths, all themed by cities in the Alaskan/Southwest corner of Canada regions of our great country of North America.