FRIDAY, OR HOW I WENT DOWNTOWN forvrkate{.lj-user} was in town for her bachelorette party, so part of the day’s activities included me going downtown to Dick’s Last Resort for dinner and then to a bar on the 22nd floor of the Marriott called Altitude. The dish Robyn and I shared during dinner was woefully unsatisfying in its minisculinity and its terribly high price, but at least the band that played was good. The bar had a great view, but the drinks were (predictably) expensive so except for a beer at dinner, I was done drinking for the night. We hung out for a while, warmed by the open fire pit and grooves of D-SKWIZ, the stage name of one Darren (or Donald) Skwizowsky. Matt, Charles, and I even gave him a shout-out using the Signboard app on our iPhones.

SATURDAY, IN WHICH PLANS FAIL BUT SUCCEED Robyn and I have started up this exercise program called Couch to 5K, a series of increasingly difficult jogging/walking routines designed to get you off your sofa and into good enough shape to (presumably) run a 5K. Thus, first thing in the morning (after breakfast, of course) we did our 25-minute routine, showered, and then she was off to a massage with The Girls(tm). Later, we joined Charles in trying to secure a bonfire pit at Coronado, but were pre-sniped, leaving us with stunted plans and me with a car trunk full of wood. Thankfully, Charles has a residence to his name, so we all ended up piling the lot of us there for the night, watching Twilight and/or playing Carcassonne.

Kim, Jac, and Josh showed up near the party’s end, so we shuffled off to Studio Diner for some late night vittles and then back to our place (we also have a residence!) to sit and chat for a while. Unfortunately, staying up late hit me a bit hard since I had to wake up semi-early the next morning for…

SUNDAY, IN WHICH DISNEYLAND IS VISITED Disneyland! We grabbed Mashleigh and headed up to Anaheim where we spent most of the day at the House of Mouse. Rides rode included Finding Nemo, Space Mountain, Star Tours, Astro Blasters, and Innoventions. We ate three separate times in between, fully realizing the “it doesn’t matter if you’re at a theme park” rule. Somehow, somewhat unbelievably, the 11 of us stayed together most of the day until 2 of us left, and then the 9 of us continued to stay together the whole time. We left around 6-ish, stopped off at In ‘N’ Out in Carlsbad for dinner (where newsgal81{.lj-user} had her FIRST In ‘N’ Out meal, much to the gasping of the crowd, and then dropped Mashleigh off, finally returning home around 9pm. Crashing of consciousness followed soon after.

FOR THE ROAD Hell yeah!